Children's Ministry

Konstruction Kids

Building Blocks Preschool

Baby Builders

check in times

Here at Faith Builders Family Church we believe in ministering to the whole family. All of our Children’s classes offer faith-filled teaching and interactive activities to meet the individual needs of every child no matter what age.

We teach with the attitude and knowledge that our children have the same ability to receive from God as we do. We endeavor to share the love of God and His Word in a way they can grasp and understand. Our services include videos, crafts, songs, games, puppet shows, and so much more to make each lesson fun and applicable.

Konstruction Kids participate in praise and worship with the adults before they move to their classroom with their teachers at the appropriate time.

Check In/Out Policy:

We ask everyone, including the volunteers in our ministry of helps, to adhere to our Check-In/Out Policy. This policy is for your child’s protection and helps us keep our classrooms running smoothly.

Please fill out a check-in name tag and place the name tag on your child. You need to keep the sticker stub which has a number on it that matches the number on your child’s name tag. If we need you while your child is in class, we will use the number to contact you by posting it on the big screens in the main service.

When the service is over, your child will only be released to someone with the sticker stub with the number that matches the number on their name tag. If you are unable to pick up your child, please make arrangements with a trusted person, and make sure you give them the sticker stub with the correct number. Thank you for your cooperation!

We look forward to ministering to your kids!

Missie McClarty